Music: Start The Clock — Ivy Lab
The BODY Project is a way of exploring visually what I have always admired — people who can express themselves with their body. It sprouted spontaneously in front of my camera and has grown with every photo shoot.
This wasn't the first time I've photographed Elora (@eloraaaah) — she's actually quite popular on my Instagram feed.
She has been visiting Lisbon regularly over the past few years for her own dance projects and we've gotten together several times to shoot just for kicks.
Maybe that familiarity was what made this shoot so special (or maybe it was just because she is such an amazing dancer!) In any case, what we planned as a "1 hour shoot in the studio" turned into a full day of making pictures and even shooting some footage.
This was a collaboration in the truest sense of the word — not just the cliché used on social media — where both of us contributed with our best efforts and energy to make art for the sake of art.